Love month.
For a month that is supposed to reflect a lot of love, there have been many moments where it has felt that hate was winning. “What can I do to spark more love and acceptance in the world today?” I’d like to say this is a common question I ask myself, but in the busyness of life, I must admit I am guilty of falling victim to the fast-paced distracted nature that many of us seem to be stuck in; one that doesn’t allow for thoughtful and intentional actions as much as we’d like. Consequently, I can be unaware of how my own actions might perpetuate the cycle that exudes lacking consideration of others. I might inadvertently cut someone off on the freeway, forget to smile at a passerby because I’m lost in the frustrations within my own life…or I experience irritation with the person who doesn’t say thank you when I let them in front of me at the store, without consideration that they too may be going through a difficult time, and are equally distracted.
It can be challenging to hold ourselves to a standard of behavior or decorum, while also honoring the emotional space we might be in. And yet those who harbor a trusted moral compass or nagging self-conscience can’t seem to escape the guilt; the guilt of knowing you could have “done better,” or “fell short.” This internal dialogue can inevitably cause feelings of shame. This is a downward spiral I highly advise against. It breeds self-doubt and potential for self-deprecation. And what does that then fuel? Depression. Anxiety. Relational impairment. I imagine I am not alone in having participated in this cycle. Admitting your role in this reality is a wonderful first step to initiating change.
We can work together to hold each other accountable. Offering both internal and external forgiveness is powerful. Offering understanding, either in silence or out loud. What does that breed? Consideration. Kindness. Love; a shared experience that helps us feel less alone with a sense of normalcy and belonging. I truly believe this is what most if not all people want on some level; to experience life in our own uniqueness and individuality, yet also comforted by the thing that connects us all: love, humanness.